SEAN Seed Service Centre Ltd. (SSSC) was formally registered under the Company Act of 1996 at the Company Registrar Office on 15 June 1999 (1st Asar 2056 BS). The company was established and become operated as a result of the investment in shares by more than 55 shareholders. The formation of SSSC is a central part of the seed marketing strategy that aims to promote the seed industry in Nepal. It is based on a concept of strengthening the foundations of the Nepal seed trade by establishing a quality product based on a firm foundation of high quality Breeder’s and subsequent generation seeds. This new approach was also developed with the clear intention of establishing a proper monitoring system of field inspection and post harvest controls to produce seed, which would meet the quality standards required by the national and international market. This will enable us to minimize import and maximize export trade in commercial vegetable seed. The SSSC is now prioritizing hybrid seed production technology development and commercialization under private public partnership approach (3Ps). More...

'SEAN SEEDS' is Our Product Brand

With this brand name, we distribute our finish products to the outlets where we put 'quality' seed inside the packets.
The diversity of crops we are handling now enables us to maintain business profitable and viable. view all products

Tomato: Srijana F1

Tomato: Srijana F1

High yielding indeterminate variety resistant to bacterial wilt

Cabbage: Futoski F1

Cabbage: Futoski F1

Excellent heat tolerant new F1 hybrid imported from Korea

Maize: Khumal Hybrid 2

Maize: Khumal Hybrid 2

First commercialized hybrid sweet & suitable for roasted cob

Maize: Rampur Hybrid 10

Maize: Rampur Hybrid 10

Excellent heat tolerant new F1 hybrid developed in Nepal

Rayo: Marpha Chaudapaat

Rayo: Marpha Chaudapaat

Late bolting, very popular for its tender and high flavored leaves

Radish: Mino Early

Radish: Mino Early

Medium early popular variety with excellent quality root shape & weight

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